ZhongShan YongDa Baby

Products Co.,LTD


Domestic baby products are taking up the middle and high end market in succession

Company news
Cecilia Zheng
2017/11/09 11:31
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With the improvement of people's income level and the rationalization of modern parents' concept of childcare, the changes in the terminal demand of baby products are also affecting the market deeply, and branding is becoming a trend of consumption. The analyst of Shang Pu consulting industry believes that the fourth birth peak of our country comes in time, and the baby supplies market has entered the trillions of scales. All levels of urban baby products dealers have accelerated the "siege" of high-end baby products brands at home and abroad, and seek a wider blue sea in the blue sea of the baby products market. With the rapid development of the economy, the level of our national income has greatly improved, and the concept of parenting has been changing with the times.